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Douglas DuPont

Thanks Rob,
Now I just hope that my company will give us YouTube access.

Rob Cohee

@Douglas - I plan to upload these to the mfgcommunity.autodesk.com site within the week. I was initially hesitant due to the size of the files to upload all of them. It's a huge download.

This brings up a good point. I'm interested in how many of you do not have access to YouTube?

Steve Ware

I would love to be able to watch these video, also. I am always curious as to how others start there designs and progress through the modeling process. I do deal with others that do not understand how to model with design intent or use IV correctly. Most companies have YouTube blocked. People might spend too much time watching videos of unrelated stupid stuff instead of working. I would more willing to download them and watch them when I can.


Many of Corporate Companies dont have access to you tube



We have no access to Youtube and many/most other video sites from work.
I know of many companies (in Germany) who block Youtube.



Scott Moyse

Its interesting there doesn't appear to be any sheet metal stuff here.

Lambertus Oosterveen

I would like to download the videos and watch them off-line. Can I download them somewhere?

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