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Johan M

you have total right Rob.....

Start every day...



Too true, although inevitably occasionally the software really is a POS. Not necessarily because it in itself is a POS, but because it was the wrong software for the job in the first place! What may be the best thing since sliced bread for one company may not be for the next.

One of the common scenarios is someone in upper management gets won over by a salesman, or one of their equivalently employed drinking buddies, into purchasing this great piece of software. If only they had asked the people who would be using it, or use the other piece of software its expected to communicate with.


Sometimes it may work to your advantage.

Few years back I was begging for one seat of Inventor, my engineering manager would not hear any of it. One day, the management way over him, got a bunch of seats of Inventor Pro. on subscription. No one really knew their reasons, there was no consulting with the engineering. But I was happy to do the project in 3D. In the end the "hardliner" engineering manager complemented me on handling the work and going 3D.

I was converted and updated, I needed the new technology. It worked like you said Rob.

It was the stroke of luck that the my CEO golfed with an Inventor salesman.


Delving deeper - it's impossible for technology to be the cause of failure.


It is always people that are at fault:

#1, Technology is created by people, thus ultimately it is the fault of the people that created the technology. That doesn't necessarily mean that failure rests with them though.

#2, As you rightly point out, the technology needs to be understood and used as intended. Having the latest mobile phone is all well and good, but drilling a hole through it to attach a piece of string like you would with a tin-can-telephone would not be using it to its best.

#3, As an end user of the software we have a responsibility to research and assess the suitability of a new technology BEFORE it is implemented. This is probably the most common pit-fall, and is an essential stage to ensuring the success and longevity of newly implemented technologies.

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